Thursday 20 June 2013

Banana on toast with Marmite


This one is a recommendation from an old friend. I wasn't quite sure if it would work and, having made and tasted it, I still feel ambivalent. The notion of banana with a bread related vessel is well documented - see the humble banana sandwich or of course banana bread. The addition of Marmite into the mix does indeed bring the dish into the curiosity food league. But does it work?

Somehow the best bit of the strong yeasty Marmite flavour was dumbed down by the banana. Perhaps I didn't add enough Marmite? Or maybe I should have mashed the two key ingredients together to create a bananamite spread? Or the banana was over-ripe and too flavoursome? I hope my friend can shed some light in the comment field below on where I may have gone wrong.

How I made it
  1. Toast the bread.
  2. Spread with butter then Marmite.
  3. Add the chopped banana.

There are any number of variations of this one (eg swap the Marmite for jam or chocolate spread). But these changes would render the dish unexciting, moving out of the realms of a curious concoction.


  1. Hi! I mash the banana and do use a very generous helping of marmite-as i am quite a marmite addict maybe then the banana works better to calm the overly marmitey-ness (i cant believe i am discussing the ins and outs of this!)
    It came from my mum who also gave me cream cheese, raisin and grated apple rolls..maybe an early 80s thing..nice tho...
    I am contemplating making bananamite now...

  2. Ha Ha! I can't believe it! I made Marmite and Banana on Brown Sourdough Toast on a bit of a whim (having a banana and bread that needed using up). I made it exactly as directed above (except giving the banana a minute under the grill too - to keep the warm toast idea going). After enjoying it immensely, I then questioned whether it was even "a thing" so googled it and - hey presto - I'm not as weird as I thought I was!!
