Monday 17 June 2013

Fried egg and cornflake breakfast

This cracker is another hand-me-down from my mum. The thick, rich egg yolk mixes with the crisp cornflakes to create a deliciously crunchy, unctuous goo. Kids adore it. My one year old, Anya, is the proof.

Just like Kellogg's advertises its cornflakes, don't just save this one for breakfast.

How to make it
  1. Fry a free-range (ideally organic) egg in butter. It has to be butter. Preferably salted.
  2. Serve onto a plate, adding a good handful of cornflakes (any brand will do).
  3. Eat. 

Do you know, I've not tried other breakfast cereals before. I wonder as I write this if Rice Krispies (or a less dearer supermarket own label) could work? If anyone has any thoughts on this do please let me know.


  1. Oh lucky anya getting to try out all your lovely concoctions!

  2. She loved it Liv! I reckon Rose would too.
