Sunday 5 January 2014

Mince pie milkshake

Not sure how my friend Tim Ward came up with this milkshake. Perhaps it was a rouse to get rid of the post Christmas mince pie glut. Or maybe he was making a shake and thought 'why not, it's Christmas'.

Either way, blending milk with mince pies creates a delicious festive drink. And it's a great way to use up Christmas left overs. (I don't think it would work with sprouts though).

The addition of brandy and/or rum also makes a winter drinks party cocktail to rival eggnog.

How I made it*
  1. Use one mince pie and half a pint of full fat milk per person. 
  2. Liquidise to form a shake. 
  1. Add a shot of brandy or rum.
  2. Swap double cream with milk and then freeze to create mince pie ice cream.
  3. Swap Christmas pud with mince pie to create a Christmas pudding milk shake. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting but not sure it helps much with the post xmas diet!!
