Wednesday 16 October 2013

Gherkins and anchovies on toast

Little is known about the origins of this concoction. It came from a friend in Brighton, passed on to her by a friend.

The dominant flavour comes, of course, from the anchovies. I am fond of these salty little creatures - melted into pasta or meat dishes they add a depth of umami flavour. But straight out of a jar (or tin) their hairy, slippery texture and over-ripe fishy taste does nothing for my palate. I've never really liked them on pizza or in a nicoise.

And whilst I love a good gherkin me, the flavour from these vinegary green mini cucumbers gets lost in the fishy pungency of the anchovy.

Maybe if I chopped up the anchovies and/or melted them into a paste this would work?

How I made it
  1. Toast bread
  2. Butter toast (or drizzle with the oil from the anchovies)
  3. Slice and put gherkins on top of the toast
  4. Top with anchovies (I used ones in olive oil from a jar)
  1. Melt the anchovies in a pan before spreading onto hot buttered toast with the gherkins on top
  2. Use boquerones - authentic Spanish marinated anchovy fillets which aren't hairy (bony) and have a softer, more delicate flavour


  1. Sounds disgusting! From the same source - burger cheese wrapped around a jalapeños

    1. Wasn't the finest snack I've eaten, must admit. I far prefer anchovies in their cooked state. I get the cheese and jalapeno combo - reckon that works...
